Direct Billing to Insurance
Direct Billing
We are pleased to offer direct billing for physiotherapy to a number of extended health carriers (see below). Please note that all treatment fees are the responsibility of the patient. If online direct billing is not available you will be asked to pay for your visit upfront and we will provide you with a receipt which you can submit to your extended health carrier for reimbursement.
We offer online direct billing for the following insurers:
Canada Life
Canada Life- PSHCP
Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.)
Chambers of Commerce (Johnston Group)
CINUP (Johnston Group)
Coughlin & Associates Ltd.
Desjardins Insurance
Union Benefits
UV Insurance
What you need to bring:
Your extended benefits card with policy number and member ID
Doctor’s referral, if required by your policy
We are only able to bill to your primary coverage insurance. If you have one plan for your family, we can bill directly. If you have two plans (both parents have coverage), we can only bill to your primary plan. For parents, this would be their own workplace plan. For children, this is generally the plan of the parent with the earlier birthday in the calendar year (regardless of the year of birth).
Direct Billing FAQs:
How do I know how much I am covered for?
You can learn the details of your coverage by contacting your extended health carrier or from your plan administrator.
What if my visit is partially covered by my extended health carrier?
We can still bill your carrier! If your visit is partially covered we will bill the covered amount to the carrier and ask that you pay the balance of your visit at the end of each treatment.
Can we coordinate benefits?
At this time we will bill 1 (one) third party carrier per visit (eg: 1 Extended Health Carrier or ICBC or MSP). Coordination of benefits is not available.
What if my claim is denied?
If your visit is denied for online direct billing we ask that your balance is paid in full at the end of each treatment. The front desk staff will advise you if your claim has been denied before you leave. Please note: Some plans have restrictions that do not allow for online direct billing. To check if you are eligible for this service please contact your extended health carrier.